RM 'Closer (with Paul Blanco, Mahalia)' X 헤어질 결심(Decision to Leave) Collabo MV

RM 'Closer (with Paul Blanco, Mahalia)' 🎧 https://youtu.be/mJcjXjYWI6E 헤어질 결심(Decision to Leave) MV sources from the original motion picture ‘헤어질 결심(Decision to Leave)’ directed by Park Chan-wook Credits: Remixed by EVAN Produced by HONNE (RM, Andy Clutterbuck, James Hatcher, Mahalia Burkmar, Benjamin Hart, Paul Blanco, Pdogg) Co-produced by Pdogg Keyboard: HONNE, Pdogg Synthesizer: HONNE, EVAN Guitars: HONNE, YOUNG Drum Programming: EVAN String Arrangement: Pdogg, EVAN Background Vocals: RM, Paul Blanco Vocal & Rap Arrangement: RM Recording Engineers: RM @ Rkive, Paul Blanco @ Masquerade House, YOUNG @ Studio ‘YOUNG’ Digital Editing: Maiz, EVAN Mix Engineer: Ken Lewis for KenLewis.com Mastering Engineer: 최효영 @ SUONO Mastering Original sources ⓒ 2022 CJ ENM Co., Ltd., MOHO FILM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MV edited by Lee Changhoon Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts http://twitter.com/BTS_bighit http://twitter.com/BTS_twt https://ift.tt/SzfGODo https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV https://ift.tt/LVwnjcJ https://ift.tt/ZqPSTIg https://ift.tt/rkc8G6l https://ift.tt/VQr0x5w https://ift.tt/NuKQsbi https://ift.tt/QOlNWc0

source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmVqMedomh0


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